유방암, 부인과종양, 하부소화기종양
부산대학교 의과대학 의학과 졸업
고신대학교 대학원 의학과 석사
인제대학교 대학원 의학과 박사
인제대학교 부산백병원 방사선종양학과 전공의
인제대학교 부산백병원 방사선종양학과 임상강사
전북대학교병원 방사선종양학과 전임의
현 고신대학교 의과대학 방사선종양학과 교수
대한방사선종양학회 정회원
한국유방암학회 평생회원
대한암학회 정회원
유럽방사선종양학회 회원
Updated date : 2024.11.01
학회활동 및 논문
[학위 논문]
석사 - 백서의 피부에서 온열요법과 방사선조사 병행시 Apoptosis 유발양상
박사 - Therapeutic Effect of Combined Ablative Radiotherapy and Anti-HER2/neu Antibody in a HER2+ Breast Cancer Animal Model
[최근 주요 논문]
Questionnaire study of the dietary habits of breast cancer survivors and their relationship to quality of life (KROG 14-09).
European Journal of Cancer Care, 2019,Mar;28(2):e12961, Epub 2018 Nov 12.
Anti-inflammatory potential of Carpomitra costata ethanolic extracts via inhibition of NF-kB and AP-1 activation in LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 macrophages
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Vol. 2018
An assessment of quality of life for early phase after adjuvant radiotherapy in breast cancer survivors: a Korean multicenter survey (KROG 14-09)
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 2017, 15:96
Gross tumor volume dependency on phase sorting methods of four-dimensional computed tomography images for lung cancer
Radiatioin Oncology Journal, 2017, 35:233-240
Snail maintains metastatic potential, cancer stem-like properties, and chemoresistance in mesenchymal mouse breast cancer TUBO-P2J cells
Oncology Reports, 2017, 38: 1867-1876
Results of Oncothermia Combined with Operation, Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy for Primary, Recurrent and Metastatic Sarcoma
Case Reports in Clinical Medicine, 2015, 4; 157-168
Invivo Dosimetry for Mammography with and without Lead Apron Using the Glass Dosimeters
Outcomes after Reirradiation for Brain Metastases
PROGRESS in MEDICAL PHYSICS, 2015, 26;137-142
Effects of L-ascorbic acid on the production of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in C57BL/6 mouse splenocytes
Kosin Medical Journal, 2015, 30:41-49
Discrepancies between Calculated and Delivered Dose Distributions of Respiratory Gated IMRT Fields according to the Target Motion Ranges for Lung and Liver Cancer Patients
PROGRESS in MEDICAL PHYSICS, 2014, 25;242~247
Comparison between audio-only and audiovisual biofeedback for regulating patients’ respiration during four-dimensional radiotherapy
Radiation Oncology Journal, 2015, 33:250-255
Intratumoral heterogeneity impacts the response to anti-neu antibody therapy BMC cancer, 2014, 14- 647
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