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강지훈 사진
Kosin University Gospel Hospital
가정의학과   강지훈





근골격계 통증클리닉, 자율신경주사, 만성두통, 암 경험자 평생 건강 관리, 성인예방 접종, 금연 클리닉, 유전체 기반 비만 클리닉, 만성피로 클리닉, 노인의학

닥터DJ“코로나 감염 후 지속되는 통증, 기침, 피로... 병원에 꼭 가야할 증상은?"



2019.03 ~ 현재 고신대학교 가정의학과 조교수
2018.11 ~ 2018.12 Department of Health Policy, MD Anderson Cancer Center, visiting scholar
2017.03 ~ 2019.02 고신대학교 가정의학과 전임의
2011.03 ~ 2014.02 삼성 서울병원 가정의학과 전공의
2010.03 ~ 2011.02 삼성 서울병원 수련의

2019.02 미국 Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates(ECFMG) Certification 취득
2014.02 가정의학과 전문의 취득
2010.02 의사면허 취득


Updated date : 2023.12.01

학회활동 및 논문

2019.03 ~ 현재 고신대학교 대학원 박사과정
2012.03 ~ 2014.02 성균과대학교 대학원 의학석사
2004.03 ~ 2010.02 고신대학교 의과대학 의학과

대한 가정의학과
대한 비만 학회
암 경험자 가족 연구회
대한 유전체 학회

퇴원 후 암환자 케어를 위한 일차의료 진료 매뉴얼,국립암센터

1저자 or 교신저자
Kang, Jihun, et al. "Associations of aspirin, statins, and metformin with lung cancer risk and related mortality: time-dependent analysis of population-based nationally representative data." Journal of Thoracic Oncology (2020).

Kim, Y., Choi, J. H., Kang, J., Kim, G. T., & Lee, S. G. (2020). Associations of Serum Retinol and α-Tocopherol Levels with Uric Acid Concentrations: Analysis of a Population-Based, Nationally Representative Sample. Nutrients, 12(6), 1797.

Kim, Taeyun, and Jihun Kang. "Association Between Serum Retinol and α-Tocopherol Levels and Metabolic Syndrome in Korean General Population: Analysis of Population-based Nationally Representative Data." Nutrients 12.6 (2020): 1689.

Kim, Yunkyung, and Jihun Kang. "Association of urinary cotinine-verified smoking status with hyperuricemia: Analysis of population-based nationally representative data." Tobacco induced diseases 18 (2020).

Kang, Jihun, et al. "Risk of dementia in prostate cancer survivors: A nationwide cohort study in Korea." Current Problems in Cancer (2020): 100578.

Kim, Taeyun, Hyunji Choi, and Jihun Kang. "Association of Serum Ferritin and Lung Function in Tobacco?na?ve Post?menopausal Women: Analysis of Population?based Nationally Representative Data." The Clinical Respiratory Journal (2020).

Kang, J., Park, E. J., & Lee, J. (2019). Cancer Survivorship in Primary Care. Korean journal of family medicine, 40(6), 353-361. Jung, W., Kim, Y., Lihm, H., & Kang, J. (2019). Associations between blood lead, cadmium, and mercury levels with hyperuricemia in the Korean general population: A retrospective analysis of population?based nationally representative data. International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases.

Cha, J., Lihm, H., &Kang, J. (2019). Changes in Perceptions and Attitudes of Medical Students toward End-of-Life Care after Hospice and Palliative Medicine Education. The Korean Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care, 22(4), 166-173.

Kang, J, Kong, E., & Choi, J2018. Associations of Urinary Cotinine-Verified Active and Passive Smoking with Thyroid Function: Analysis of Population-Based Nationally Representative Data. Thyroid, 28(5), 583-592.

Kang, J, & Song, Y-M 2018. Metabolic syndrome and its components among Korean submariners: a retrospective cross-sectional study. Endocrine, 59(3), 614-621.

Kang J, Song Y-M 2017 The association between submarine service and multi-morbidity: a crosssectional study of Korean naval personnel. BMJ oepn 7(9), e017776.

Kang J, Song Y-M 2016 Factors associated with vaccination status among Korean submariners who are eligible for free non-mandatory influenza vaccination. Vaccine 34:6181-6186.

Kang J-h, Song Y-M 2015 Association Between Cotinine-Verified Smoking Status and Metabolic Syndrome: Analyses of Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys 2008?2010. Metabolic syndrome and related disorders 13:140-148.

Park, H., Kang, J., Choi, J., Heo, S., & Lee, D. H. (2020). The Effect of High Dose Intravenous Vitamin C During Radiotherapy on Breast Cancer Patients' Neutrophil?Lymphocyte Ratio. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 26(11), 1039-1046.

Kim, T., Choi, H., Kang, J., & Kim, J. (2020). Association between electronic cigarette use and metabolic syndrome in the Korean general population: A nationwide population-based study. Plos one, 15(8), e0237983.

Kim, Y., Kim, G. T., Lee, S. G., Lee, H. N., Kang, J., & Ko, T. Y. (2020). First Asian case of biopsy-confirmed manubriosternal joint involvement in rheumatoid arthritis. Zeitschriftf?rRheumatologie, 1-4.

Kim, Y, Kang, J, & Kim, G. T. 2018. Prevalence of hyperuricemia and its associated factors in the general Korean population: an analysis of a population-based nationally representative sample. Clinical rheumatology, 1-10.

Lee J-H, Kim H-E, Kang J-H, Shin J-Y, Song Y-M 2014 Factors associated with hemorrhoidsinkorean adults: korean national health and nutrition examination survey. Korean journal of family medicine 35:227-236.


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