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오지은 사진
Kosin University Gospel Hospital
소아청소년과   오지은





소아감염질환(요로감염, 중이염, 세균 및 바이러스성 질환), 결핵(잠복결핵, 활동성 결핵), 불명열



2021.04~ 현재 고신대학교의과대학 소아청소년과 부교수
2010.03~2021.03 고신대학교의과대학 소아청소년과 조교수
2008.03~2010.02 서울대학교어린이병원 소아감염분과 전임의
2003.03~2007.02 고신대학교복음병원 소아청소년과 전공의
2002.03~2003.02 고신대학교복음병원 수련의

[교육/연구 경력]
2019.9~2020.08 방문교수 McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada
2017.09~2019.08 고신대학교의과대학 교수학습지원실장

2002.03 의사면허 취득
2007.02 소아청소년과 전문의 취득
2010.09 소아감염 분과전문의 취득


Updated date : 2022.08.10

학회활동 및 논문

대한소아감염학회 일반이사 역임
대한소아감염학회 간행이사(PIV 편집위원장) 역임

2021.3 보건복지부장관표창(제11회 결핵예방의 날)
2018.5 대한소아감염학회 학술상
2018.4 대한소아과학회 우수포스터상
2015.5 대한소아감염학회 학술상
2011.12 부산광역시장 포상(엔테로바이러스 감시사업)

[출판된 책]
2016 항생제의 길잡이(제4판), 대한감염학회
2021 소아호흡기감염학, 서울대학교출판문화원

[주요논문 : 이외 다수]
1. Oh CE, Ortiz-Brizuela E, Bastos ML, Menzies D. Comparing the Diagnostic Performance of QFT-Plus to Other Tests of Latent Tuberculosis Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Clinical Infectious Diseases, ciaa1822, https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/ciaa1822.

2. Oh CE, Kwon GY, Kwon YH, Lee EJ, Park MS, Kim SH, Jeon SM, Go UY, Park SE. High tuberculosis transmission rate in children with nursery exposure to undetected pulmonary tuberculosis. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2018 Sep 1;22(9):1031-1036.

3. Oh CE, Choi UY, Eun BW, Lee TJ, Kim KH, Kim DH, Kim NH, Jo DS, Shin SH, Kim KH, Kim H, Kim YK. A Randomized, Double-blind, Active-controlled Clinical Trial of a Cell Culture-derived Inactivated Trivalent Influenza Vaccine (NBP607) in Healthy Children 6 Months Through 18 Years of Age. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2018 Jun;37(6):605-611.

4. Lee YJ, Lee JY, Kong SK, Yeon GM, Hong YR, Oh CE*. A Multicenter Survey on the Current Status of Pediatric Blood Cultures in Korea. Pediatr Infect Vaccine. 2018 Apr;25(1):17-25. Korean.

5. Jung M, Park JH, Oh CE*. A Retrospective Analysis of Antibiotic Use in Hospitalized Children with Upper Respiratory Tract Infection. Pediatr Infect Vaccine. 2017 Aug;24(2):87-94. Korean.

6. Lee JY, Choi HG, Oh CE*. Factors Influencing Influenza Vaccination Coverage in Korean Adolescents: Analysis of the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey IV to VI. Pediatr Infect Vaccine. 2017 Apr;24(1):7-15.

7. Jung MY, Son OS, Hong YR, Oh CE*. Clinical Characteristics Associated with Blood Culture Contamination in Neonates. Pediatr Infect Vaccine. 2015 Dec;22(3):147-153. Korean.

8. Oh CE, Lee J, Kang JH, Hong YJ, Kim YK, Cheong HJ, Ahn YJ, Kim SH, Lee HJ. Safety and immunogenicity of an inactivated split-virus influenza A/H1N1 vaccine in healthy children from 6 months to <18 years of age: a prospective, open-label, multi-center trial. Vaccine. 2010 Aug 16;28(36):5857-63.

9. Oh CE. Group B Streptococcal Disease in Korean Neonates. Korean J Pediatr Infect Dis. 2012 Aug;19(2):43-54. Korean.

10. Oh CE, Choi EH, Lee HJ. Detection of genetic mutations associated with macrolide resistance of Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Korean J Pediatr. 2010 Feb;53(2):178-183. Korean.

11. Oh CE, Jang HO, Kim NH, Lee J, Choi EH, Lee HJ. Molecular Serotyping of Group B Streptococcus Isolated from the Pregnant Women by Polymerase Chain Reaction and Sequence Analysis. Korean J Pediatr Infect Dis. 2009 Jun;16(1):47-53. Korean.


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